Rambunctious Press, Inc.
a rambunctious literary experience
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2012 contests. And the winners are...

Check out our latest contest-winners! Information can be found in the 2012 Contest Winners section of the site. The theme was EVOLUTION. We congratulate our winners, who represent an interesting cross-section of contemporary writers. Some winners are new to us. Some, we discovered, are old friends. The entries are submitted to the judges without the author's names, so the identity of the winners is exciting for the judges to discover. We were impressed and humbled by the quality of all of the submissions. It is trite to say, of course, but all of the entrants are "winners" in every important way. Thank you, contestants and judges, for your creative efforts.

Issue 27 is hot off the press! Sizzling...

The highly anticipated, long-awaited Issue 27, MONEY has been printed and has been sent out to the subscribers. Explore the nuances of money (having it or not)  from a uniquely rambunctious pont-of-view by purchasing a copy of the issue. 

More submissions, please.

We seek regular submissions of poetry, art, fiction and photography for our next issue.