Rambunctious Press, Inc.
a rambunctious literary experience
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Rambunctious Answers....

How do I subscribe to Rambunctious Review?

Rambunctious Review is an annual publication. Our subscription rate is $15.00 for 3 issues. Your subscription lasts for a long time! Please remit your information and payment to:
                            Rambunctious Review
                            1221 W. Pratt Blvd.
                            Chicago, IL 60626.

How do I donate to Rambunctious Review?

The extremely not-for-profit Rambunctious Review seeks donations from lovers of art and literature. We are a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. A check of any amount sent to the above address is gratefully appreciated from our rambunctious supporters.

Does Rambunctious Review have contests?

Yes, Rambunctious Review sponsors themed contests annually.  For information check our website, email us or snail mail always works.

How do I get sample copies or back issues of Rambunctious Review?

Send your request (including Volume number and/or year of issue) and a check for $5.00 payable to Rambunctious Review to the above address.

How do I submit my creative work to Rambunctious Review?

Send your hard copy submissions (preferred) to Rambunctious Review at above address.  You may also email your work to rambupress@aol.com.  (Fiction is limited to 12 double-spaced pages.)  If your work is selected we will request a word file.